Committed to protecting the rights of our clients



HCM Legal ensures that our clients get the best advice and representation possible. We provide cost effective, personalised, dedicated, loyal and professional service from lawyers with experience you can trust. With over 10 years experience you’re in safe hands with HCM Legal.

Divorce Lawyer

Family Lawyers

Lawyer Brisbane

Criminal Lawyer

Lawyer Brisbane: Legal Advice and Services

We’ve worked hard and grown to become one of Brisbane’s established law firms offering a wide range of legal services in areas of law that include criminal law, wills, probate, estate planning, motor vehicle offences, and conveyancing, as well as specialist legal advice in family, divorce claims and immigration law.
If you’re looking for Brisbane lawyers with a good reputation and expertise you can trust, HCM Legal is the legal practice you need to represent you. We have two offices—one in Brisbane City Centre and the other in the southern suburb of Calamvale. Call our lawyers today for personal and confidential advice specific to your circumstances.

A Family Law Firm You Can Rely On

Life is full of unexpected and sometimes unwanted surprises. Family law matters can be complex and challenging, but you can navigate your changing circumstances such as a relationship breakdown, child custody dispute or will creation with the help of our dedicated team.

Choose your next steps with confidence. HCM Legal’s team of professional local lawyers provide you with straightforward advice and the support you need on complex family law matters that include:

Property Settlement

Your assets and liabilities will need to be divided between you and your ex-partner when you separate, but under Australian law, the division is not necessarily on a 50:50 basis. Ensure you get your appropriate share with the help of our specialist lawyers. You can negotiate a fair property settlement agreement without the need to attend court—although that is still an option if you cannot find common ground with your ex-partner.

Child Arrangements

Arrangements for the care of children, including child support payments, visitation rights, education, accommodation and other factors can often be reached on an informal basis between separating parents. However, if you wish to formalise arrangements in Queensland, it is a good idea to consult with skilled lawyers for advice about drawing up an agreement. There is the ability to have this approved in court so that it becomes binding on both parties. Make sure you are achieving your desired outcomes with the back-up of HCM Legal’s Brisbane lawyers who have the experience to assist you with such matters.

Developing co-parenting plans requires flexibility and a certain amount of compromise. If agreement can’t be met, you can try to resolve the problem amicably by going to specialist family mediation and dispute services in Brisbane. Solicitors with family law experience will encourage this solution as it is a less expensive and less disturbing alternative to a protracted fight with your ex and litigation in the court.


Superannuation is regarded as property in the event of a relationship breakdown and is one of a range of assets that can be divided between partners by agreement or court order. In Queensland, this includes marriage or de facto relationships, along with heterosexual and same-sex relationships. You should seek legal advice from our team in Brisbane on how superannuation should be divided once you separate.


Spousal Agreements 

Spousal maintenance is the weekly amount of money that a higher-earning spouse must pay to support their lower-earning partner. Spousal support in a marriage or de facto relationship is about acknowledging the reciprocal responsibilities of both parties in the partnership. Get in touch with our Brisbane office to get timely legal advice about these types of spousal agreements.

Prenuptial and relationship Agreement 

Prenuptial agreements or ‘prenups’ and cohabitation agreements are intended to stop disputes and are examples of legal documents that outline how assets and property will be allocated in the event of a couple splitting up. They may also be known as ‘Binding Financial Agreements’ (BFA).
BFAs must comply strictly with Australian law and there are aspects that can be challenged and overturned in court if not prepared correctly. Speak to our Brisbane lawyers confidentially to find out more about drafting relationship agreements to make sure you obtain the best possible result.

Domestic Violence Order (DVO) 

If you are experiencing domestic violence in Brisbane, lawyers at HCM Legal can provide confidential advice regarding DVOs. This is an order drawn up by a court to stop threats or acts of abuse from a person who has committed violence against you. It is designed to keep you safe by making it illegal for that person to behave in specific ways.

Divorce Lawyers Brisbane: HCM Legal is On Your Side

It’s never easy when a relationship breaks down, but we can help you to negotiate it with ease to get the results you want. It’s important to receive advice that suits your particular circumstances from experienced divorce lawyers. Brisbane residents can engage HCM Legal’s solicitors who can help to negotiate a divorce without the stress in a friendly and caring environment. Some of the important questions that lawyers can help you address during the process includes:

Who Gets What in a Divorce?

The law seeks to address equitable distribution of property so that no partner is disadvantaged because their financial contributions do not match their partner’s. Obtaining the right professional advice from an experienced lawyer is crucial so that you receive a good result and your fair share of what’s due to you.

Can You Be Separated and Still Living Together in the Same House?

Sometimes, you have to adapt to your circumstances, and the law recognises that it is not always possible to leave the marital home once you have split up. You can be “separated under one roof”, but as there is no formal legal process for this, our efficient lawyers can advise you on how to proceed so that you have proof of your separation.

How to Come to an Agreement about Child Care Arrangements After Divorce

How to Come to an Agreement about Child Care Arrangements After Divorce.

Expert Immigration Knowledge from Brisbane Lawyers

If you are planning on making Australia your permanent home, making the right choice and finding the scheme that results in a successful visa application is essential.
Although it is possible to lodge a visa application yourself, the business of applying for a visa can be an overwhelming process as the rules are complex and you may not know exactly what is required. We are one of the leading law firms in Brisbane with a vast knowledge and experience of how the complex immigration system works, as well as knowing how to appeal on your behalf.
If you want to achieve the right result, speak to HCM Legal’s Australian lawyers for expert advice on applying for visas, as we can help if you are:

Starting a Business in Australia or Investing

Entrepreneurialism and innovation are encouraged by the Australian Government. Individuals with these high-level skills can invest or start a business via the:

  • Business Talent (Migrant) visas for entrepreneurs.
  • Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visas for investors.

Retiring to Australia/Parent Visas

If you have a close relation, you may be able to apply for a visa that allows you to stay in Australia via the 103 Parent Visa or the 142 Contributory Parent Visa. If you do not have family ties, the 405 Investor Retirement visa is another option that may be suitable for your circumstances.

Skilled Visas

If you meet the criteria to fill one of the occupation shortages, the Skilled Visa program is worth looking into and includes:

  • 189 visa is a permanent skilled independent visa
  • 190 visa is a permanent skilled independent visa
  • 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visas enable eligible professionals to live, work and study in designated regional areas for up to 5 years.  You can apply for permanent residence after 3 years on this visa.

Partner Visas

Entrepreneurialism and innovation are encouraged by the Australian Government. Individuals with these high-level skills can invest or start a business via the:

  • 820 temporary visas to 801 permanent – Applications in Australia
  • 309 temporary visas to 100 permanent – Applications from overseas
  • The 300 Fiancée or Prospective Marriage Visa lets you to come to Australia and marry your prospective spouse, and then apply for permanent residency.

Student Visas and Temporary Graduate Visas

Students who are participating in a course of study can apply for a 500-student visa. Recent graduates with a degree from an Australian institution can apply for a 485 visa.

Visitor Visas

Australia grants a range of visitor visas depending on the nature of your visit. The 600 general tourist visa will suffice for holidaymakers, but you may have to consider other visas if, for example, you are visiting on business.

Our professional lawyers provide cost effective, personalised, dedicated, loyal and trustworthy services

Specialist Lawyers: Brisbane Criminal Law

Finding yourself on the wrong side of the criminal justice system can be an intimidating and frightening experience. It is crucial you understand your rights and responsibilities to protect the disruption to your freedom, finances and future prospects if you are questioned by the police or charged under criminal law.

We provide you with timely advice, expert representation and support—from being questioned and charged with a crime, through to bail applications, court appearances, sentencing and appeals.  When things go wrong, our expert team of criminal lawyers in Brisbane are the right criminal defence team to help you win your case.

Comprehensive advice from Brisbane Lawyers on Driving Offences

If you are in a situation where you may potentially lose your driving licence because of a motor vehicle office and are anxious about the impact that will have on your life, or if you are facing charges that may result in a criminal conviction and/or loss of your freedom, connect with us now. An experienced and knowledgeable traffic lawyer can help you to navigate the legal system and construct the best possible defence for your case.
HCM Legal’s Brisbane lawyers provide comprehensive advice on offences and your legal rights in this area including, but not limited to:

  • Dangerous driving, drink driving, reckless driving.
  • Criminal Liability, damages, compensation claims and personal injury claims.
  • Failure to notify medical conditions.
  • Speeding tickets.

Wills and Power of Attorney-Leading Advice from Brisbane Lawyers

Wills and Estate Planning

Estate planning and writing a will is one of the most important documents you will ever create, and it needs to be carried out correctly. Expert legal support from our Brisbane team can save your family and loved ones from untold complications and expensive financial difficulties during probate—
such as inheritance disputes—while ensuring that your assets are distributed in accordance with your requests.

Power of Attorney and Advanced Health Directives

Similarly, a Power of Attorney and Advanced Health Directive are legal documents that give someone you trust the power to manage your affairs if you become incapacitated. They can also provide direction regarding future health care in the event you are unable to make your own decisions.
Choose an expert team of lawyers in Brisbane with experience so that your paperwork is watertight to prevent disputes and discrepancies.

Conveyancing Lawyers in Brisbane

As a leading law firm in Brisbane, we offer a full range of specialist services related to property law. We can help you through the whole process of buying and selling a property in Brisbane, or elsewhere, from start to finish.

  • Residential and Commercial Property Conveyancing (Sale / Purchase).
  • Related Parties Transfers.
  • Spousal Transfers.
  • Manufactured Homes.
  • Retirement Villages.
  • Guarantee Advice.
  • Build Contract Advice.
  • Off-plan purchases.
  • Land purchases.

